Update 13.11.2021

Update 13.11.2021

Syntax Changes

As we told in #55, we will rebuild parser and add tokenizer phase before that. We're expecting a performance incrementation at least %22.

Pending syntax changes

As a goal of building ellie, we made most of the elements easy to type and easy to read. So from now on growableArray type will change to vector. Containing array word made the type complicated. Also some of the definer syntaxes are changed too.

TypeName Old New Example
Array array(type, size) [type, size] [int, 3]
Vector growableArray(type) [type, *] [int, *]
Collective collective(key_type, data_type) {key_type, data_type} {int, int}
Cloak cloak(first_type, second_type) (first_type, second_type) (int, int)
Nullable _type ?type ?int
ArrowFunction @(param_name: type)::type @(type):type @(int):int


fn test() > string {}


fn test() : string {}
Created by @ahmtcn123

Created at 13.11.2021-12.19